These are the best kettlebell exercises. They won't take you long to perform, will keep you fit, and are a great way to start your new year's fitness resolution.
High rep Kettlebell swings and front squats give great cardiovascular benefits and supercharge a person's metabolism.
Perform the following sequence three times:
Use a weight that allows you to complete each with a rep or two in the tank. When you can do 25 reps in all three sets, begin adding reps. Try to build up to 3 sets of 50 reps of each exercise.
We know it's hard to exercise--even if it means doing only the two best kettlebell exercises. So we made it easy to start and fun to track your progress. Just download this TriadXP guided workout of the two best kettlebell exercises. It will tell you how to perform the exercises correctly, track reps, and log your daily results.
Each day you do the two best kettlebell exercises, the calendar day gets marked with a Triad. After a few days, you'll have a chain. Just keep at it, and the chain will grow longer every day. You'll like seeing that chain, especially when you get a few weeks under your belt. Your only job is not to break the chain.
I've never seen two other exercises sculpt a body so thoroughly. With the Kettlebell swing and front squat combination, any body can transform their body in all the right places. Simply put, these two kettlebell exercises work and work big time.
In fact, coaches across a broad range of sports from martial arts to football to skiing now embrace Kettlebell exercises. Even some American NASCAR drivers train with Kettlebells to increase their reaction times!
Click here for a great, free way to perform, track and log this Kettlebell exercise routine.
If you'd like to learn more about Kettlebell training programs or design one to meet your own specific needs or desires, check out Dragon Door's Hardstyle Kettlebell Challenge.